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Springer Publishing Company

Jonas and Kovner's Health Care Delivery in the United States, 12th Edition

Jonas and Kovner's Health Care Delivery in the United States, 12th Edition

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This fully updated and revised 12th edition of the highly acclaimed textbook on health care delivery provides graduate and undergraduate students with a comprehensive survey of health care in the United States with topics ranging from the organization of care, the politics surrounding health care in the United States, to population health and vulnerable populations, health care costs and value, health care financing, and health information technology. Chapters provide thorough coverage of the rapid changes that are reshaping our system and the extent of our nation's achievement of health care value and the Triple Aim: better health and better care at a lower cost. With an emphasis on population health and public health, this text includes a timely focus on how social and physical environments influence health outcomes. Prominent scholars, practitioners, and educators within public health, population health, health policy, healthcare management, medical care, and nursing present the most up-to-date evidence-based information on social and behavioral determinants of health and health equity, immigrant health, health care workforce challenges, preventive medicine, innovative approaches to control health care costs, initiatives to achieve high quality and value-based care, and much more.

Designed for graduate and advanced undergraduate students of health care management and administration, nursing, and public health, the text addresses all complex core issues surrounding our health care system and health policy, such as the challenges to health care delivery, the organization and politics of care, and comparative health systems. Organized in a readable and accessible format, contributors provide an in-depth and objective appraisal of why and how we organize health care the way we do, the enormous impact of health-related behaviors on the structure, function, and cost of the health care delivery system, and other emerging and recurrent issues in health policy, health care management, and public health. The 12th edition features the contributions of such luminaries as former editor Anthony R. Kovner, Michael K. Gusmano, Carolyn M. Clancy, Marc N. Gourevitch, Joanne Spetz, James Morone, Karen DeSalvo, and Christy Harris Lemak, among others. Chapters include audio chapter summaries with discussion of newsworthy topics, learning objectives, discussion questions, case exercises, and new charts and tables with concrete health care data. Included for instructors are an Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint slides, Syllabus, Test Bank, Image Bank, supplemental e-chapter on A Visual Overview of Health Care Delivery, access to an annual ACA update and health policy changes, extra cases and syllabus specifically for nurses, and a transition guide bridging the 11th and 12th editions.

Key Features:

  • Three completely revised chapters on the politics of health care, vulnerable populations, and health information technology
  • Expanded coverage on population health and population health management, health equity, influences of social determinants on health behavior and outcomes, health education planning, health workforce challenges, national and regional quality improvement initiatives and more
  • Revised e-Chapter providing A Visual Overview of Health Care Delivery and Image Bank for the 12th Edition
  • Access to Springer Publishing Company's annual ACA update
  • Audio podcasts provide summaries for each chapter with real-world context of topics featured in the news
  • New appendix with overview of U.S. Government Public Health Agencies
  • Access to fully searchable ebook, including extra e-chapters and student ancillaries on Springer Publishing Connect
  • Full Instructor Packet including Instructor's Manual, Test Bank, PowerPoint slides, Image Bank, and Case Exercises for Nursing Instructors

Author: James R. Knickman
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Published: 12/28/2018
Pages: 480
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 1.90lbs
Size: 9.90h x 7.00w x 1.00d
ISBN: 9780826172723

About the Author
Knickman, James R.: -

James R. Knickman, PhD is the Robert Derzon Chair in Public and Health Affairs at New York University with joint appointments at the NYU Wagner School of Public Service and at NYU Langone Medical School's Department of Population Health. He has spent four decades splitting his time between academe and the philanthropic sector. His work focuses on health policy and he has played many roles both as a researcher and a leader in philanthropy to advance the use of public policy to improve the American health care system. He was a Vice President at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and President of the New York State Health Foundation. He has a PhD in Public Policy Analysis from the University of Pennsylvania and did his undergraduate work at Fordham University. He serves on the Board of Directors at three non-profit organizations, including chairing the National Council on Aging.

Elbel, Brian: -

Brian Elbel, PhD, MPH is an Associate Professor of Population Health and Health Policy at the NYU School of Medicine, where he heads the Section on Health Choice, Policy and Evaluation within the Department of Population Health, and at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. He is the Assistant Dean for Strategic Initiatives in the Office of Science and Research of NYU Langone Health and the Director of the NYU Langone Comprehensive Program on Obesity. He studies how individuals make decisions that influence their health, with a particular emphasis on evaluation, obesity, and food choice. His work uses behavioral economics to understand health decision-making among vulnerable groups, and the role and influence of public policy on these decisions. His research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Science Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and has been featured in national television, radio, and print media. Dr. Elbel earned his B.A. from The University of Texas at Austin and MPH and PhD in Health Policy/Health Economics from Yale University.

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