Melbourne's 1966 UFO Mystery: The Westall Incident


On April 6, 1966, in Melbourne, Australia, an extraordinary event occurred that has since become one of the most intriguing and widely discussed UFO sightings in history. Over 200 witnesses, including students and teachers from Westall High School, reported seeing a UFO in broad daylight. This event, known as the Westall UFO Incident, remains a subject of fascination and debate over half a century later.

The Sighting

At around 11 am, witnesses from Westall High School in Clayton South, Melbourne, observed a silvery, purple-hued saucer-like object, approximately the size of two or three cars. It reportedly floated overhead and landed in a nearby paddock, staying there for around 20 minutes before taking off at high speed, pursued by several light aircraft. Notably, flight records showed no registered aircraft in the area at that time​​.


Initial Theories and Reactions

  • Weather Balloon Theory: The day after the sighting, 'The Age' newspaper suggested the object could have been a weather balloon from the Bureau of Meteorology, a theory that has remained unconfirmed​​.
  • Investigative Challenges: A subsequent report in the 'Dandenong Journal' highlighted the difficulties in the investigation, citing the reluctance of witnesses and school authorities to speak about the incident​​.
  • Alleged Cover-Up: Westall High School's headmaster reportedly enforced silence about the incident, threatening staff with dismissal and instructing students to avoid discussing the event​​.


  • 50th Anniversary Reflections: On the incident's 50th anniversary, witnesses maintained their accounts, with some recalling seeing multiple UFOs​​.
  • High-Altitude Balloon Theory: UFO researcher Keith Basterfield proposed that the object might have been a high-altitude balloon used for radiation level testing after nuclear tests in South Australia, possibly identified as HIBAL flight number 292​​.
  • Alternative Military Explanation: Another theory suggests the object might have been a military "target drogue" used for air-to-air firing practice. This explanation, however, does not account for all aspects of the sighting​​.

Psychological Interpretation Some analysts, including Shane Ryan and David Halperin, suggest that the event's drama might be a blend of actual sighting and psychological factors, like memories tinted with youthful fantasies and activities at the Grange, a nearby area​​.

Contemporary Witness Accounts A significant contemporary account comes from Westall science teacher Andrew Greenwood, who described seeing a gray object against the sky, which was not initially noticeable and did not appear to land​​.

Conclusion Despite extensive investigations and numerous theories, the Westall UFO incident remains an unsolved mystery. The blend of eyewitness accounts, lack of definitive physical evidence, and the passage of time have left this event open to interpretation, with explanations ranging from extraterrestrial visitation to military experiments and psychological phenomena.


As Always, Thank You For Reading



References An Astonishing Number Of Victorians Saw A UFO In Broad Daylight In '66 [link]
David Halperin: What Was the Westall UFO? – A Theory and Some Evidence In Support [link]
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