The Tragic Tale of Terry Jo Duperrault: A True Story of Survival


In November 1961, an unimaginable tragedy struck the Duperrault family, leading to one of the most harrowing survival stories ever recorded. Terry Jo Duperrault, an 11-year-old girl, found herself alone and adrift on a tiny cork float in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, fighting for her life. This is her story.

The Ill-Fated Voyage:

The Duperrault family, hailing from Green Bay, Wisconsin, decided to embark on a dream vacation, a week-long sailing trip across the Bahamas. Arthur Duperrault, a prominent optometrist, his wife, Jean, and their three children, Brian, Terry Jo, and Renee, were accompanied by Julian Harvey, an experienced sailor and captain of the vessel ‘Bluebelle,’ and his wife, Mary Dene.

The Trip Takes a Dark Turn:

Everything was smooth sailing until the 5th night of November 12, 1961. Terry Jo was suddenly roused from her slumber by piercing screams and loud thuds emanating from the deck just above her sleeping quarters.

Curiosity and concern drove her to investigate the commotion upstairs, where she was met with the harrowing sight of her mother and brother sprawled on the deck, surrounded by a pool of blood.

Harvey appeared before her shortly after, and when she inquired about the situation, he responded with a slap to her face and a stern instruction to return below deck. Undeterred, Terry Jo made her way back to the upper deck once she noticed water infiltrating her space.

Encountering Harvey once again, she urgently questioned him about the ship's fate, to which he gravely confirmed its impending sink.

He then inquired if she had witnessed the dinghy, previously tethered to the yacht, breaking free. Upon her affirmation, he promptly dove into the water, pursuing the drifting vessel.

The Alone and Adrift:

Finding herself in a panic and all alone, Terry Jo recalled the existence of a solitary life raft on the ship. She made her way onto the small craft and set out onto the open sea. Bereft of sustenance, hydration, and any form of shelter from the sun’s relentless rays, Terry Jo endured a harrowing 84 hours adrift. Her ordeal finally came to an end when she was discovered and saved by Captain Theo.

The Rescue:

On November 16, 1961, a Greek freighter named ‘Captain Theo’ spotted the small float carrying the weak and dehydrated Terry Jo. They immediately rescued her, saving her life just in the nick of time.

The Investigation and Outcome:

Julian Harvey, who was also found alive in a dinghy, initially spun a story of the boat being hit by a squall. However, upon learning of Terry Jo’s survival and rescue, he checked into a motel and took his own life. The true story then unfolded: Harvey had murdered his wife for insurance money and killed the Duperrault family to cover his tracks.

Terry Jo’s Brave Tale of Survival:

Despite the immense trauma and loss, Terry Jo showcased extraordinary courage and strength. She went on to live a full life, carrying the painful memories with her. Her story has been told in various books and documentaries, serving as a testament to the human spirit's resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity. 


The story of Terry Jo Duperrault is a heartbreaking yet inspiring tale of survival against all odds. It's always essential to approach such stories with respect and empathy, remembering the lives lost and the impact on the survivors. It serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience that lies within us all, even in the darkest of times.

As Always, Thanks For Reading



Sources: This blog post is based on numerous articles, books, and documentaries that have covered Terry Jo Duperrault’s story over the years. Some of the key sources include:
Alone: Orphaned on the Ocean by Richard Logan and Tere Duperrault Fassbender, a book co-written by Terry Jo herself, providing a firsthand account of the tragedy and her life afterward.
Documentaries and TV shows that have featured her story, providing visual and narrative accounts of the events.


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