Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche exactly defines deity practice from the Dzogchen perspective, offering key points on how to engage in this discipline as a pure Dzogchen yogi. Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche was one of the greatest Dzogchen Masters of the last century. His teaching style was direct, simple, and powerful, a comfortable ambiance created by his compassionate humility that opened one up to being able to absorb his profound words. He was fearless in teaching the view, meditation, and conduct of the Great Perfection, due to the strength of his realization. Although Dzogchen Deity Practice uses the peaceful and wrathful practice as its basis, the efficacy of these teachings on development and completion stage practices apply to many other sadhanas as well. It is a hands on guide to engaging in the skillful methods of Vajrayana that prepare us for this life's experiences as well as what will unfold when we die and are in the intermediate state or the Bardo. The beautiful poetry offered expresses a reality beyond our mundane everyday life and helps our minds to be open and aware.
About the Author Padmasambhava, the extraordinary tantric adept who brought Vajrayana Buddism to Tibet in the 8th Century. Chokgyur Lingpa: Great treasure revealer from the 19th century, renown for his miraculous powers. Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche: One of the greatest Tibetan Buddhist masters who brought Dzogchen to the West. Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche: A modern Tibetan Vajrayana master known for his abilities to perform ceremonies. Erik Pema Kunsang: One of the forememost translators of Tibetan Buddhism, specializing in Mahamudra and Dzogchen.