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Alfaguara Juvenil

Hacia Las Estrellas / Towards the Stars

Hacia Las Estrellas / Towards the Stars

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C mo de grande es el universo? Podremos alg n d a viajar a otras estrellas? Qu es un agujero negro?

Desc brelo con este libro

Alguna vez has levantado la vista al cielo en una noche estrellada y te has dejado llevar por la imaginaci n? Igual en ese momento te has trasladado a mundos que van m s all de lo que podemos imaginar en la Tierra. Algunos con vida, puede que inteligente, y otros completamente inh spitos e infernales. O quiz simplemente te has preguntado cu ntas estrellas hay en la V a L ctea.

Si alguna vez te has hecho alguna de estas preguntas, este libro es para ti. De la mano de Alex Riveiro, creador de Astrobit cora, el blog de referencia de astronom a en espa ol.


How big is the universe? Will we be able to someday travel to other stars? What is a black hole?

Discover these and many other questions in this book

Have you ever looked up at a star-studded night sky and let your imagination run wild? At that moment you have traveled to worlds that go beyond what we can imagine here on Earth. Some of those have life, maybe intelligent beings, and others might be completely unwelcoming and hostile. Or maybe you have wondered just how many stars there are in the Milky Way.

If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions, this book is just right for you. Come alongside Alex Riveiro, creator of "Astrobit cora", his blog in Spanish which is the reference for all astronomy matters.

Author: Alex Riveiro
Publisher: Alfaguara Juvenil
Published: 07/23/2019
Pages: 240
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.65lbs
Size: 8.40h x 5.80w x 0.80d
ISBN: 9788420434087
Language: Spanish
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