Synopsis: The Solarian, or the "Sons of Suns" (designed to resemble the Melanesian Pacific Islanders) are a peaceful people and for years have stood on the outskirts of an intergalactic warfare being waged between the Hyperion Regime and The Feed. The ruthless Void The Sever has claimed the universe as his own and wishes to annihilate the Keystone species (Solarian included) who inhabit it. When young Aether (Greek Deity. name meaning "the air of the gods") and Caelum (Greek Deity name meaning "the heavens") are separated from the rest of their Solarian tribe, their only hope of getting back to them is to join the fight Along the way, they discover fascinating worlds and powerful allies from various myths who assist them on their quest to find their family. They quickly find out that freedom is not easily acquired. It must be taken Lux Nova is set in a universe where science and fantasy collide, featuring a unique and vast collection of characters, creatures and locations.
Author: Mikhail Sebastian Publisher: Mythallica Comics Published: 06/30/2014 Pages: 210 Binding Type: Paperback Weight: 0.55lbs Size: 8.50h x 5.51w x 0.44d ISBN: 9780996740005
About the Author Mikhail Sebastian is a 23 year old artist and writer from North Carolina. His love and enthusiasm for adventure based story telling was fueled by his fascination for eastern-asian culture inspired by anime, manga and manhua. When acting out these stories wasn't enough, he began to draw them. But it wasn't until he was 13 years old that he realized he wanted to be a storyteller and ever since, Mikhail has been actively pursuing that dream. In the fall of 2010 he attended the Savannah College of Art & Design where he graduated with a B.F.A in Illustration. Since then, he has fully dedicated himself to building his brand and telling his stories!