Jake Samoyedny is more than just one of the most sought after evidential mediums alive today. He is "The Compassionate Medium". This compelling and captivating book walks us through the process of connecting the two worlds in a way that has never been done before. A masterful story teller, Jake shares with us some of his remarkable mediumship readings that have proven to be life changing for those who have sat across from him. Whether you are someone feeling the burden of grief, the weight of guilt or just going through a rough patch and looking to find the way out of despair, this inspiring work is a treasure that may give you the guidance and help to bring you closure. Student mediums wishing for a higher degree of understanding of their natural gifts, this book may be the road map you have been searching for. The methods and experiences shared teach you to not settle for anything less than stellar readings whether you are the medium or the recipient. Ambitiously showing that not only do we survive our physical death, but that life is continuous and more importantly, that the bonds of love between the two worlds are eternal. This humble man who lives a life of service shares some of the most intimate secrets of the world of a working medium. This thought provoking well written book is a must for anyone interested in mediums and mediumship.
About the Author Jake Samoyedny is The Compassionate Medium. Born a medium, he has trained with some of the best mediums alive today. Jake has also studied at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for Psychical Studies in Stansted, England. He is a member of The Spiritualist National Union International and a member of The Lily Dale Assembly. Jake is a Registered Medium at Lily Dale, America's oldest Spiritualist Community. He is a member and a demonstrating medium at The Journey Within Church. Jake lives a spiritual life and has devoted himself to serving Spirit through Evidential Mediumship, bringing comfort to those searching for proof that our lives and bonds of love are everlasting. Jake resides with his two children and does readings in the suburbs north of New York City and can also be found living and serving Spirit in Lily Dale, New York during the summer months. To learn more about Jake Samoyedny "The Compassionate Medium" please visit his website at: compassionatemedium.com