The Kaiju King
The Kaiju King
In a world where mysteries abound and secrets lie hidden just beyond the horizon, embark on an extraordinary journey with young Tokage and his newfound companion, Kaze, baby Kaiju with a heart as immense as its size. In the quiet solitude of a hidden cave, Tokage discovers Kaze, an enigmatic Kaiju unlike any other. Bound by an unbreakable bond, the two set forth on an odyssey born from curiosity and a burning desire for truth. But fate has a different plan, as a devastating tragedy strikes Tokage's village, leaving him with unanswered questions and a resolve to uncover the depths of what truly happened. Determined to unravel the threads of the past, Tokage and Kaze begin their epic trek northward, traversing a realm teeming with wonder and danger. Along their path, they encounter a tapestry of diverse faces, both friend and foe and creatures that defy imagination. Find out that and more in- The Kaiju King
Author: Shay Herbord
Publisher: Shay Herbord
Published: 08/29/2023
Pages: 154
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.45lbs
Size: 8.50h x 5.50w x 0.36d
ISBN: 9798223213130
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