97% of people in network marketing fail, yet network marketing creates more millionaires than any other industry in the world. Your First 90 Days In Network Marketing written by industry veteran of 25 years Richard Ramos, provides individuals a blueprint to build a solid foundation so that they can fulfill their dreams of being able to work from home part time generating a full time income. Richard Ramos has taken traditional offline companies and transformed them into online powerhouses. In recent years, Richard Ramos took a small business and in two years helped them generate over 1 billion dollars in sales. Even though this book focuses on the network marketer, it's simple marketing strategies can be used by almost any business. Your First 90 Days In Network Marketing helps you identify your WHY and puts it into action with step by step instruction to help you create momentum and develop income for life. This book will take your from traditional belly-to-belly marketing so what we call Social Network Marketing, utilizing services like Facebook, Twitter, Hubpages, Digg and much more. We conduct presentations to thousands of people around the world at live events, and we always ask the following two questions (you can fill in the blank with your product or service). "How many of you are here to learn more about the _________, please raise your hands." (you always get a few people that raise their hands). Then we ask, "How many people are here to learn how to make more money?" Do you want to guess how many people fanatically raise their hands with excitement at the second question? Almost everyone Take notice that we use the word "learn" in both those questions. People want to learn The one common denominator in this industry, is that people get all hyped up after enrolling at an event or home party and don't know what to do next. Most people in this industry are sponsored by someone that just previously enrolled and also has no experience as to how to build a network marketing business. This book will not take you through the history of network marketing. We cover that subject in our other book "The Ultimate Guide For Network Marketing". Your First 90 Days In Network Marketing was designed to help you build a strong foundation over the next 90 days. Why 90 days? 90 days is point where most people give up. Most people give up because they over complicate this business, and they have not been shown an easy systematic way to duplicate themselves. Yes, I used the word easy. Just follow the easy steps outlined in the book and you'll be on your way to a lifetime of residual income. Our mission is to give our fellow network marketing community a strong foundation to help build their empires in today's ever-changing world of technology, help them become dominant players in the industry and mentor them to help change the perception of network marketing. Our industry of the home based business with the help of the internet is now converging globally into what we call Social Network Marketing. I'm convinced that Social Network Marketing is the only way people will build their financial empires now and in the future. Businesses that don't use this model will struggle and possibly cease to exist.
Author: Richard Ramos Publisher: Richard Ramos Published: 01/01/2011 Pages: 100 Binding Type: Paperback Weight: 0.65lbs Size: 9.90h x 7.90w x 0.30d ISBN: 9780615452487
About the Author Richard Ramos has over 25 years experience in the area of cutting edge technologies including computers and multimedia over the internet, that have led him to develop online marketing strategies for sports figures, entertainers and some of the top network marketers from around the world, including the site Downline University built around the concept of paying it forward. In recent years, Richard helped take a traditional small business online and helped them generate sales in excess of 1 billion dollars in 2 years by applying simple but effective marketing strategies and automating the process. This book focusses on the business of network marketing, but the principles of the book apply to any type of home based business. It was this idea of creating a universal training system and the concept of "Learn, Earn, Pay It Forward" that lead to the development of top training website Downline University. Our mission is to give our fellow network marketing community a strong foundation to help build their empires in today's ever-changing world of technology, help them become dominant players in the industry and mentor them to help change the perception of network marketing. Our industry of the home based business with the help of the internet is now converging globally into what we call Social Network Marketing. I'm convinced that Social Network Marketing is the only way people will build their financial empires now and in the future. Businesses that don't use this model will struggle and possibly cease to exist.