Activate Divine Creativity will bring you back to your creative self, back to who you really are. As you go through the chapters you'll feel your creative self open. You will find peace and serenity.Activate Divine Creativity tells the story of the author, Kathy Rausch, and her journey through the dark night of her soul. It begins when she "randomly" experienced a positive trigger, an event that reminded her, deep inside, that she was a creative being. It was a show where women she didn't know had painted "mandalas" to heal their hearts and souls. She didn't know what a mandala was but she knew she wanted to paint one.Little did she know that she would spend many years allowing herself to experience the grief and sorrow that she was desperately trying to push down and hide. Once Kathy found her way out and into a bright shiny world through the power of creativity, she decided to tell her story in a way that would help others achieve true happiness with creativity, and find it faster than she did. Fascinated with her obsession with drawing and painting mandalas, she dug into why they are so powerful in helping people become mindful and calm, allowing their psyche to work out grief, despair, and feeling alone with little or no negative feelings. She discovered that while she was creative, her psyche began to grow and mature and she experienced happy moments again.This is a simple, fun read with follow-along instructions on how to doodle your own mandalas. Each step is full of encouragement to be creative in ALL aspects of your life.
About the Author Kathy Rausch is an avid entrepreneur and educational speaker, with over 25 years experience in digital media. She has worked with companies, government agencies and non-profits of all sizes across the country achieve online marketing through maximizing the impact of their website, email marketing and social media efforts. Kathy wrote "Activate Divine Creativity: The Life-Changing Magic of the Mandala" to help women and men become mindful and find joy in their everyday lives. She attributes the creative process of the mandala to saving her life as she was burning out from too much left brain work and exhaustion. Doodling mandalas and helping others to doodle mandalas brings Kathy great joy and helps balance her life. She hopes others will get a sense of balance and joy from the process as well.