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Algebraic Methods in Physics: A Symposium for the 60th Birthdays of Jiri Patera and Pavel Winternitz

Algebraic Methods in Physics: A Symposium for the 60th Birthdays of Jiri Patera and Pavel Winternitz

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Self-Similarities and Invariant Densities for Model Sets.- Model Sets and Self-Similarities.- Averaging Operators and Invariant Densities.- Further Remarks.- Outlook.- References.- Symmetry Operations in the Brain: Music and Reasoning.- Trion Model.- Music Enhances Spatial-Temporal Reasoning.- References.- Lie Modules of Bounded Multiplicities.- Simple L Modules with Finite-Dimensional Weight Spaces.- Completely Pointed Modules.- Completely Pointed Modules Tensored with Finite-Dimensional Modules.- References.- Moving Frames and Coframes.- References.- The Fibonacci-Deformed Harmonic Oscillator.- About Strictly Increasing Sequences of Positive Numbers.- Quantum Algebra Associated with the Spectrum ? = xn.- The ?-Natural Spectrum.- The Fibonacci Deformation of Weyl Algebra.- Coherent States and Some Special Functions.- References.- Continuous and Discrete Linearizable Systems: The Riccati Saga.- Brief Review of the Continuous Gambier Equation.- Discrete Analog of the Gambier Equation, Revisited.- Discrete Projective and Matrix Riccati Equations.- Discrete Conformai Riccati Equations.- Conclusions and Outlook.- References.- Superintegrability on Two-Dimensional Complex Euclidean Space.- Potential V5.- Potential V6.- Potential V7.- References.- Hydrodynamic Systems and the Higher-Dimensional Laplace Transformations of Cartan Submanifolds.- Hydrodynamic Systems Rich in Conservation Laws.- Applications of the Higher-Dimensional Laplace Transformation to Hydrodynamic Systems that are Rich in Conservation Laws.- References.- Branching Rules and Weight Multiplicities for Simple and Affine Lie Algebras.- Simple and Affine Lie Algebras.- Branching Rules for Simple Lie Algebras.- Young Diagrams and Branching Rules.- Weight Multiplicities of Simple Lie Algebras.- Young Tableaux and Weight Multiplicities.- Branching Rule Multiplicities for the Restriction from Affine to Simple Lie Algebras.- Branching Rules Derived from Characters.- Weight Multiplicities of Affine Lie Algebras.- References.- Conditions for the Existence of Higher Symmetries and Nonlinear Evolutionary Equations on the Lattice.- Construction of the Classifying Conditions.- The Toda Lattice Class.- References.- Complete Description of the Voronoï Cell of the Lie Algebra An Weight Lattice. On the Bounds for the Number of d-Faces of the n-Dimensional Voronoï Cells.- The Expression of the Bounds Nd(n) Obtained by Voronoï.- Detailed Description of the Voronoï Cells of the A(TM) Lattices.- The New Explicit Expression of Bounds Nd(n).- Expression of Nd(n) as Multiple of a Stirling Number of Second Kind.- Final Remarks.- References.- The Relativistic Oscillator and the Mass Spectra of Baryons.- The System of Three Relativistic Scalar Particles with Oscillator Interactions.- An Approach to the Spinorial Relativistic Three-Body System.- References.- Seiberg-Witten Theory Without Tears.- N = 2 Supersymmetry.- N = 2 Superaction.- Textbook Properties.- Spontaneous Symmetry-Breaking.- Holomorphy and Duality.- Perturbative and Nonperturbative F (A).- Preliminaries.- Fuchsian Maps.- The Schwarzian Derivatives.- SW Choice.- Correctness.- Uniqueness.- References.- Bargmann Representation for Some Deformed Harmonic Oscillators with Non-Fock Representation.- Representations.- Toward a Bargmann Representation.- The "q-Oscillator".- Generalization of the Previous Example.- Deformed Algebra Associated to a Given Weight function.- Bargmann Representations Corresponding to Different ?.- The Case of an Annulus.- Conclusion.- References.- The Vector-Coherent-State Inducing Construction for Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients.- Induced Representations of su(4).- SU(4) Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients.- Summary.- References.- Highest-Weight Representations of Borcherds Algebras.- Borcherds Algebras.- Cartan Subalgebra of an Affine Kac-Moody Algebra.- Adding Energy and Number Operators to the Cartan Subalgebra.- Conclusions.- References.- Graded Contractions of Lie Algebras of Physical Interest.- Notion of Graded

Author: Yvan Saint-Aubin, Luc Vinet, Y. Saint-Aubin
Publisher: Springer
Published: 12/15/2000
Pages: 284
Binding Type: Hardcover
Weight: 1.27lbs
Size: 9.21h x 6.14w x 0.69d
ISBN: 9780387951256
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