Network Marketing is one of the fastest-growing career and income opportunities in the world. According to the Direct Selling Association, it's now a $100 billion plus per year industry worldwide. Hundreds and thousands of people just like you have abandoned low-paying, dead-end jobs for the opportunity to be their own boss and grow their own business. Today, network marketing is a high-tech, sophisticated and professional business model. Unfortunately, too many people are selecting business opportunities without doing enough of their own research. Most people simply don't have the time or the resources to effectively evaluate and compare many ventures. So they accept and follow the advice of someone not qualified to give it, like a fellow employee or even an inexperienced friend or family member. Or they follow the first charismatic mentor or business coach they meet, without really scrutinizing their backgrounds or character. That's why the author, Daren Falter, decided to do years of extensive research and provide an objective resource so you won't have to spend months, or even years, selecting a top network marketing company. This book is designed to teach you how to make money in network marketing - a lot of money. It's designed to teach you how to keep that income for a very long time. This book was written for those who are choosing network marketing as a career or as a life-long source of substantial residual income. Here's some of what you'll learn in this book: The six criteria for selecting a top distributorship; How to examine the track records and backgrounds of a company and its founders; How to do your "due diligence" before jumping in with a company; Tactics, tools, and attitudes you'll need to select a successful company; When the best time is to join a network marketing company; How to scrutinize a product; How to start thinking like a "Marketing Pro"; The Wrong Reasons for Starting a Business; Seeking the right Mentor; Understanding the differences between Network Marketing vs. Home Party Plans; Loser Industries you must avoid at all costs; What to sell and why; The 7 steps for selecting a wealth-generating product; The biggest lies network marketing companies tell; How to Scrutinize compensation plans; And MORE Don't be like most people who sign up for companies without doing any in-depth research. This book will teach you the right questions to ask yourself and the company you are considering joining. Click the "Buy Now" button and save yourself from making big mistakes and wasting time with the wrong company. Reviews for this book: "This is must reading if you have the dream of owning a successful home based business, and you want to build it using the network marketing business model." - Kerri M. " If I'd had this book I could have avoided many of the pitfalls I've experienced through the years." Gayla G. "This book is a must read for anyone thinking about becoming involved with Direct Sales/Network Marketing." -Cloud "Truly one of those rare books that's worth its weight in gold for someone trying to choose a solid company that can provide them with the financial future they've always dreamed of." -G. Erianne
Author: Daren C. Falter Publisher: How to Select a Network Marketing Company Published: 04/10/2012 Pages: 282 Binding Type: Paperback Weight: 0.84lbs Size: 9.02h x 5.98w x 0.59d ISBN: 9780615605272
About the Author Daren C. Falter launched his direct sales career in 1990, and has since become a passionate student and advocate of network marketing. He wrote the first manuscript edition of How to Select a Network Marketing Company in 1995-96 and published it as a paperback for the first time in 1998. Daren has served as a top MLM consultant, master trainer, popular convention speaker, and a full-time independent distributor in network marketing building downline organizations into the tens of thousands of distributors. Daren is cofounder and Executive VP of a Utah-based network marketing company. Daren maintains a close connection to the industry and keeps his finger on the pulse of the network marketing industry by continuing to conduct monthly interviews with MLM's most successful leaders. Daren lives in Olympia, Washington. He has six children and multiple grandchildren. He enjoys dates with his wife, family time, church service, mountaineering, hiking, mountain biking, music, photography and travel.